This support document includes information on various areas of club activity that concerns all club members, but especially officials, swimmers, teachers, coaches and parents / guardians.
As a member (in whatever category) of Sliabh Beagh A.S.C. you are required to put the swimmer (learner or competitive swimmer) first. By that we mean you take full cognisance of their well-being, motivation and do your best to ensure they enjoy the swimming experience and progress in a happy and stimulating environment.
The objective of the club is to give the best possible information to all our swimmers (beginner to elite) so that they maximise their potential. In order to achieve this teachers and coaches are encouraged to keep in mind and to be constantly aware of the needs of developing children. To this end we encourage our teachers and coaches to emphasise and focus on the elements of Physical Literacy. This involves the delivery of Fundamental Movement Skills + Fundamental Sport Skills which should lead to excellence and participation depending on capability and commitment of the individual. We want our swimmers to have a life long love of the sport and the competence to enjoy swimming efficiently during their active life.
From parents and guardians, we ask them to understand that children develop at varying speeds and stages. Children also have abilities that mean they adapt to different environments at different speeds. They also acquire skills at differing degrees of accomplishment. Patience and encouragement are equally important.