Parents/Guardians Code of Conduct
To assist in the promotion of good practice with the club parents/guardians should:
- Be encouraged to become members of the club and to contribute their time and effort in the daily running of the club. No club can operate successfully without their help.
- Be available for poolside duty and/or other duties if and when required.
- Be aware of the Code of Ethics for Young People in Sport, the Swim Ireland Child Welfare Guidelines, the rules and constitution of Swim Ireland and the rules and constitution of their own club
- Be aware of the relevant Leaders and their role within the club
- Show respect for Coaches/leaders and their decisions
- Be informed of the training and/or competitive programmes
- Ensure that the environment is safe and enjoyable for your children
- Encourage their child in fair play
- Behave responsibly on the pool deck and viewing areas
- Focus on their child’s efforts rather than performance
- Focus on the fun and participation of their child in the activity
- Liaise with the Leaders in relation to the times/locations of training sessions, medical conditions of their children and any other requirement for their child’s safety.
- Avoid communicating with coaches/teachers during sessions, organise time to speak to them outside session times
- Out of courtesy, if possible, inform the coach if their child will not be attending sessions
- Have a right to have their comments and suggestions considered and their complaints acknowledged and dealt with as they arise through an effective and confidential complaints procedure.
- Accept that a swimming club is not a baby-sitting service
- Be responsible for their children’s safety, including delivering and collecting them to/from training and events from the time the coaching session or event starts and immediately after it ends
- Not leave their children waiting unsupervised at the pool at any time.
- Ensure their children are always in possession of direct contact information should this be required for any reason.
- Adhere to rules/guidelines in relation to the possession and use of mobile phones, picture mobiles, cameras and video cameras.
- Adhere to rules and regulations of the Sliabh Beagh Amateur Swimming Club.
Parents should always remember that children play sport for their own enjoyment not that of the parents/guardians.
Young Person’s Code of Conduct
Young swimmers should always:
- Treat Sports Leaders who may be teachers, coaches, club officials or parents with respect
- Play fairly at all times, do their best
- Respect team members, even when things go wrong
- Respect opponents, be gracious in defeat
- Abide by the rules set down by Swim Ireland and their Club
- Talk to the Coach, Team Captains, Club Children’s Officer or Committee Member if they have any problems.
Young swimmers should never:
- Cheat
- Use violence
- Use physical contact that is not allowed within the rules
- Shout or argue with officials, team mates or opponents
- Harm team members, opponents or their property
- Bully or use bullying tactics to isolate another person
- Use unfair or bullying tactics to gain advantage
- Use bad language
- Take banned substances
- Keep secrets about any person who may have caused them harm
- Tell lies about adults/young people
- Spread rumours
- Behave in a manner that might bring Swim Ireland or their Club into disrepute
Away Trip Code of Conduct
- All team members are required to join the team at the point of departure and return to that point with the team. Requests for individual exceptions from the travel plan must be communicated to the Team Manager/Coach, well in advance of departure and will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.
- From arrival at the meeting point, you are responsible to the appointed Team Officials until the trip is complete and the team disperses.
- As a representative of your Club, you are expected to dress and behave in a fitting manner.
- Socially improper language is not acceptable, in the company of your team-mates or in public.
- Team members must attend all meetings and other functions as directed by the Team Officials.
- Punctuality is required on all occasions.
- Curfews or other restrictions are in your interests and must be observed.
- Swimmers must join the team free of the effects of alcohol and are not permitted to consume alcohol until the competition/camp is over.
- Swimmers are required to ensure that the Team Manager/Coach is fully informed of approved medications required. If a medical doctor has approved the medication then a written statement from them as to its content and dosage is required to be presented to the Team Manager/Coach prior to the trip. You may need to obtain a Therapeutic Use Exemption Form with respect to certain medications you are on. Under FINA Law YOU are responsible for ensuring that you do not breach FINA drug laws and you may be required to submit to a FINA drug test.
- It is important that there is mutual respect and unity amongst team members. Swimmers with a grievance should communicate it to the Team Manager/Coach who is authorised to deal with their grievance on the trip. If they are still dissatisfied with the outcome or the Team Manager’s/Coach’s decision, they may appeal it to the Club or Swim Ireland Complaints Committee on their return from the trip.
- Team members are required to sit with the Team and to communicate with the Team Coach shortly before and shortly after their race.
- Any necessary departure from the Team or its daily plan should be discussed with the Team Manager/Coach.
- Any form of sexual activity is considered inappropriate within a training and or competition experience and is therefore forbidden whilst the swimmer is under the jurisdiction of the Team Manager/Coach.
- The Team Manager has the authority to deal with all disciplinary matters and the duty to impose sanctions. These may include withdrawal from further competition or sending home of swimmers. Serious breaches of this Code will be reported to the Club Complaints Committee, who may take further action.