Aquasprint series Gala: Sliabh Beagh v Newry & Mourne Swimming Club
The first Aquasprint gala in two years finally happened on Saturday last. Our very excited Aquasprint team took the bus to Newry to participate in a very fast paced gala. These races are all 25m and there are also some very thrilling relays to finish the galas. Our team captains this year are Faye Trainor and Justas Jurasus, both well capable of the role of team captain and we wish them all the best for the season ahead. The Aquasprint galas are based on team points and the excitement builds right to the very end. The results are announced during the refreshments after the gala which are always provided by the home team.
We are pleased to announce the result on Saturday was Sliabh Beagh 210 Newry and Mourne 190. So, it was a good win for Team Sliabh Beagh on their first meet. We hear there was terrific swimming by all and the gala was a great success in a lovely atmosphere, so well done everyone!