Club Notes: 23 April 2015

Sliabh Beagh Swimmers Attend Trojan Gala

Sliabh Beagh Swimmers Attend Trojan Gala
Sliabh Beagh Swimmers Attend Trojan Gala

Eight members from the Sliabh Beagh Aqua Sprint & Intermediate squad took part in the Trojan Annual Swim Gala at the National Aquatic Centre (NAC) in Blanchardstown, Dublin, on 12 April 2015.  The swimmers, aged 8 to 14, did an amazing job of getting personal best times (p.b.’s) in all of their competitions!  This type of competition is a great way to get experience racing, and with each competition their improvements are remarkable.  There were smiles all around as times were dropped by considerable amounts, and some swimmers swam races for the first time.  Well done swimmers.


 Aquasprint Gala at Home to Limavady

Our Sliabh Beagh Aquasprint team were in action again last Saturday when they competed at home against Limavady.

We had a great turnout of swimmers and supporters.  The competition was very close with the teams well matched. There was a very exciting finish; our swimmers performed extremely well but were narrowly defeated in the end by 204 to 196 points. Well done to all the children who took part and swam so well.

Thanks to Forest Feast for sponsoring the Aquasprint competition.  Thanks to our coaches Dana and Linda, the timekeepers, touch judges, recorders, runners and team leaders who all helped run a smooth gala.

A beautiful reception was laid on by the parents for everyone who took part and was enjoyed by all.

We wish Limavady well as they continue in the competition.  Keep up the good work Sliabh Beagh!

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