We would like to inform and invite you to take part in the Sliabh Beagh A.S.C. Distance Gala, which is being held on Easter Sunday 31st March 2013 at the Monaghan Leisure Complex, Clones Road, Monaghan Town.
The gala will consist of 800m and 1,500 metre races only. It is designed to give swimmers from 16 years to Masters and possibly Triathletes an opportunity to test themselves over distance, prior to the major National championships, the open water season or river or lake swims.
If National records are set during this gala, the prize money for record breakers will be €50 for a new Irish record. The maximum number of records paid per individual will be one.
In order to qualify for the prize money swimmers must be registered with Swim Ireland and the recorders of Swim Ireland or Ulster Region S.I must ratify all records. It is up to each swimmer to claim their record.
The club will have a canteen operating during the event.
A list of events, conditions of entry and entry forms are below.
Entry forms & fees must be returned by Monday 18 March 2013 to:
Ian Young, 30 Linen Green, Milford, Co. Armagh BT60 3RF
Entries can also be emailed to: ianjyoung@btinternet.com
We look forward to seeing you at the meet on the 31st March 2013.
- Age on 31 December 2013
- Sessions: Session 1 –warm up 09:30am, Start 10:30am. Session 2 – warm up 1:30pm, Start 2:00pm
- Age Groups (Men & Women): 16 – 18 yrs, 19-24 yrs, 25 yrs to 29yrs, 30 – 34yrs, 35 – 39yrs, 40 – 44yrs, 45 – 49yrs, 50 – 54yrs, 55 – 59yrs, 60 – 64yrs, 65 – 69yrs & 70yrs+
- Events: All events are heat declared winners in age group. For all age groups: – 800m, 1,500m Freestyle
- Entry Fees: Individual events €5
Cheques (in Euro) made payable to Sliabh Beagh Swimming Club.
Warm Up: 0930
Session 1 Starts: 1030
- Mixed 800M Freestyle (4 heats)
- Mixed 1,500M Freestyle (3 heats)
Warm Up: 1330
Session 2 Starts: 1400
- Mixed 800M Freestyle (4 heats)
- Mixed 1,500m Freestyle (4 heats)
Heats will be determined by the entry time. Therefore the slowest will go first, with the fastest heats later. Time of event will be determined by the entry numbers. All clubs will be issued with a start list a few days prior to the gala.
- In order for records to be set, it is the swimmers responsibility to notify the Gala organisers at least 3 days before the gala so that the director of timekeepers may put a third watch on this / these lanes. Three times need to be recorded in order to set either an Ulster or Irish record.
- If a record is set, it is the swimmers responsibility to apply for that record by filling in the application forms and getting the appropriate signatures. Forms will be available from the recorders office.
- Medals will be given out at the end of each session.
- Sandwiches and tea/coffee are available in the Studio beside the Balcony.
- Sports massage will be available in the Learner Pool. Please see Katherine or Siobhan €5.00 for 10 minutes treatment.