Last Saturday 25th March, we had ten swimmers qualify for this gala on the foot of qualifying times achieved at the Ulster Schools gala back in October.
Swimmers who qualified for this All-Ireland gala to represent their schools were: Owen Fitzpatrick representing Gaelscoil Eois, Evin and Ellen Casey and Hugh Connolly representing Doohamlet NS, Sophia Vergano representing Darley NS, Éilís MacCinna and Síne Coyle swimming for Gaelscoil Ultain, Chalie Duffy representing
St.Michaels, Corcaghan and Dáithí and Rían Lynch swimming for Rackwallace NS.
What a great day they had, every one of them swimming a personal best time. Rían took a gold medal in 50back which was a phenomenal achievement for him and his school. Evin was in a close battle for the three podium places and ended up with a bronze medal in 50breast which was a brilliant result. Owen swam two races and just missed out on a podium place in both, which is a fantastic achievement for this hard worker. Hugh finished
in a strong 8 th place.