Online Strength and Conditioning Programme (Masters Swimmers)

Swim Ireland Masters have once again teamed up with Buff Performance to offer a tailored 10 week Strength and Conditioning programme to Masters Swimmers.

The aim of the programme is to increase cardio fitness, improve fundamental movement and mobility, with a focus on core strengthening.  Book Now


Starting on Tuesday 7th October and running every Tuesday and Thursday at 6.00pm for 60 minutes.

Each participant will also receive an additional exclusive pre-recorded mobility and recovery session each week prepared by Buff Performance and distributed by Swim Ireland.


The programme is subsidised by Swim Ireland Masters, costing just €65 for 20 live workouts, with 10 additional pre-recorded sessions.

Terms and Conditions

  • Participants must be over the age of 18 and have active Swim Ireland membership for the 2024-2025 season
  • Participants must wear clothing suitable and appropriate for completing a workout.
  • Participants are responsible for ensuring their exercise area is safe and free of obstructions.
  • Participants are undertaking this programme at their own level, no responsibility is taken on behalf of Buff Performance for any injury incurred.
  • Cameras do not have to be on but beneficial for the coach.
  • Keep microphones on silent throughout, time will be given at the end for questions on the first session

Participants should have

1. Light resistance bands x2 of differing resistances

2. Light set of dumbbells or Water bottles

3. Yoga/workout mat