Return to Training 2015-2016

Dear All,

Click here INCREMENTAL RETURN TO TRAINING SEASON 2015 2016  for the return to training schedule for the coming season. Please read the notes below too as many are relevant to our first day back at training.

It is said that time and tide wait for no man (or woman). So it is with the Summer and the return to swim training for the 2015 / 2016 season. This season we will do some things like last season and others a little differently.  For example, we will have a change in start date, a change in the coaching delivery. More strength and conditioning and possibly a training camp and also possibly more interaction with another club ( this is under consideration).

Due to space on the attached table I am indicating the following points for your information.

  1. Senior & Inter squads. Gym training will be from 8.45 – 9.45 every Sunday, commencing 13/9/2015.Bring Gym Gear. Everyone is expected to attend these sessions.
  2. Gym training will be for 15 to 20 minutes pool side every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Bring Shorts
  3. There will be occasional Saturday evening sessions from 1700 – 1900. Dates to be examined.
  4. Junior and Aqua Sprint squads will have gym session every Sunday morning from 8 – 8.30 commencing 20/09/2015. Coaches will include some land training before or after at least 1 of the Tuesday or Thursday PM sessions for 15 minutes.  Bring Shorts
  5. Lactate testing will be more frequent this season. Test swims will be more frequent. Stroke work will be emphasized early season, in order to improve / change stroke action and to improve IM capability across the board.
  6. While lanes will be assigned, there will be sessions when lane / membership /structure will be adjusted for a number of reasons. These include comfort zone, challenge, stroke competency, speed work v aerobic work etc.
  7. The coaches taking the AM sessions will be more varied, but the sessions will be fully coordinated to ensure continuity.

The squad coaches are as follows:

  • Senior & Inter: Sunday Tomasz & Marcin; Monday Ita & Linda; Tuesday Noel & Marcin; Wednesday Eamon: Thursday Noel & Dana; Friday Eamon & Linda
  • Junior Squad: Ita & Peter
  • Senior Aquasprint: Linda & Dana Sundays and Ita Tuesday & Thursday
  • Junior Aquasprint: Linda & Dana Sunday & Marcin Thursday
  • Development Squad: Teachers will be drawn from Ita, Peter, Sarah, Anna, Eimear, Niamh. (To be finalised when numbers and squads are finalised)

An information and Q & A session will be hosted by the Chairperson, Club Secretary and Head Coach for all parents on Sunday the 13/9/2015 at 0830. All parents of the swimmers from the squads training Sunday morning are invited to attend.


Claire Sheridan and Eamon O’Hara   



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