Halloween 50m pool training camp
During the Halloween break the club organised long course training in Magherafelt. We joined up with the Leander club from Belfast for this 3 day camp. Apart from training twice a day for two hours each session, we also had great social interaction between the swimmers and coaches during the down time. Training had a good spread on content. This meant that while the swimmers worked hard, the energy demands were varied and appropriate rest was allocated. Everybody completed all sessions. Well done everyone.
We will repeat this later in the season and possibly utilise the long course pools in Dublin and Bangor. During conversations it was agreed that we will incorporate some historical, tourist, cultural and political element to the next few camps thus broadening the whole experience for everyone.
Well done swimmers and hopefully the work being done now will yield good results later in the season.
Ulster’s Masters Gala
This gala is in Lisburn next Saturday. We wish Peter O’Hara the best of luck in this event.
REMINDER: Our AGM will take place on Wednesday 13th November at 8pm in the Four Seasons Hotel and all Club members are encouraged to attend.